The Light of Silence: Unveiling the Power of Acoustic Lighting
Szerző: Solinfo
Category: Inspiration
Post date: 2024.09.11

Discover this groundbreaking trend that transforms your space.

Have you ever heard of Acoustic Lighting? Imagine a solution that not only brightens up your workspace but also makes it quieter and more comfortable. That’s exactly what BuzziSpace’s groundbreaking lighting solution offers.

Creating Happy and Healthy Workspaces 

Modern open-plan offices can be full of energy, but they also bring some serious acoustic challenges.

Sound influences our moods, well-being, and productivity, whether we realize it or not. That’s why creating the right acoustic environment, along with incorporating other natural elements, is so crucial in today’s workspaces.

In these open office layouts, complaints about background noise, poor acoustics, and lack of privacy are among the most common issues reported by employees. A study from the Center for Built Environment at the University of California, Berkeley, found that over 50% of workers believe poor acoustics disrupt their ability to focus and get their work done. Similarly, a UK study reveals that 3 in 10 employees frequently lose concentration due to office chatter and noise.

Air, Light, Materials, and Sound: The Four Essentials for our Inner Cavemen

Humans are still deeply connected to nature, just like our ancient ancestors. Cavemen thrived in environments filled with natural elements: air, light, sound, and materials. This connection is part of our heritage, yet over the past fifty years, we’ve been increasingly surrounded by unfamiliar, artificial sounds and environments. From the hum of air-conditioning to the constant ping of ringtones, these modern noises can be difficult for our brains to process.

Air, light, materials, and sound are essential catalysts for creating happy, healthy workspaces. Prioritizing these elements when designing a space can make all the difference.

Biophilic design, which integrates natural elements into the workplace, has been shown to increase feelings of well-being by at least 20%, promoting relaxation, lowering blood pressure, and reducing stress and cortisol levels.

To address these modern challenges in our workplaces, it’s crucial to find solutions that not only reduce noise but also enhance the overall environment. This is where acoustic lighting comes in—combining sound absorption with lighting to create a balanced, comfortable workspace that fosters productivity and well-being.

The Solution: Acoustic Lighting

As mentioned earlier, creating a workspace that harmonizes natural elements can lead to healthier environments and happier, more productive employees. Acoustic lighting is key to achieving this balance.

But before we dive into this innovative concept, let’s take a step back and understand why it matters.

Picture a well-balanced room, where the acoustics are just right. Not too loud, not too quiet—just the perfect harmony. This balance is more than just a nice-to-have; it’s crucial for boosting productivity and well-being in workplaces around the world.

To create that ideal acoustic environment, it helps to know a bit about how sound works. Just like building a house, achieving better acoustics starts with a solid foundation.

The Basics of Sound

Sound is essentially energy, created by vibrations that travel through air or other materials. When these vibrations reach our ears, they’re turned into electrical signals that our brains recognize as sound.

But sound isn’t just one thing—it has different characteristics:

Frequency is what determines the pitch, or tone, of the sound. Think of it as the difference between a high-pitched ringtone (2500-12,000 Hz) and the low hum of an HVAC system (50-250 Hz). 

Decibels measure how loud or quiet a sound is. While we can hear everything from a whisper at 0 dB to the roar of a jet at 140 dB, in the office, the ideal background noise level is around 45 dB.

Why Acoustic Balance Matters

Now, imagine an open workspace where noise levels are constantly around 60-80 dB. It might not seem too bad at first, but over time, this constant noise can affect concentration, reduce productivity, and even make conversations less private. Creating smaller, well-designed spaces with good sound balance can make a huge difference.

The Role of Reverberation Time

Another factor to consider is reverberation time—how long it takes for a sound to fade away in a room. If sound lingers too long, it can create an echo effect, making it hard to hear and understand speech. By adding materials that absorb sound, we can control this reverberation and improve the acoustics in any space, whether it’s an office, a meeting room, or even a cafeteria.

BuzziSpace’s Acoustic Lighting combines light and sound absorption in one elegant solution, helping create environments where people can work, collaborate, and thrive—without the distractions of unwanted noise.

So, if you’re looking to transform your space into a more peaceful, productive place, acoustic lighting might just be the perfect solution for you. 

Acoustic Lighting: How It Works

Acoustic lighting combines design with sound-absorbing materials to tackle noise issues in workspaces. Here’s how it works.

Different acoustic challenges require different solutions, and three key factors determine how well acoustic lighting performs: density, size, and shape.


The density of the material impacts how well sound is absorbed. For low tones (like HVAC noise), denser materials, such as foam, are essential. BuzziSpace products like BuzziHat and BuzziDome excel in this area. High tones (like typing or ringtones) require less dense materials—felt lighting, such as BuzziShade, works well. Some products, like BuzziJet, cover the entire sound spectrum.


Size matters in sound absorption. The larger the product, the better it can trap sound waves. For example, the cylindrical BuzziJet has a wide cavity that captures noise effectively, while the smaller BuzziProp has a more concentrated sound absorption ability.


Shape also plays a role. Conic shapes like BuzziShade capture sound within their core, while circular designs help diffuse sound more evenly. Other shapes, like the panel-shaped BuzziZepp Light, are designed for immediate sound absorption, especially when positioned above hard surfaces like tables.

By taking into account these key factors—density, size, and shape—you can select the perfect acoustic lighting solution to not only improve sound quality but also elevate the aesthetics of your space. And with our expertise, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Case Studies

While the theory behind acoustic lighting is fascinating, seeing it in action truly highlights its impact. Let’s show you how we have successfully integrated BuzziSpace acoustic lighting solutions into real-world projects, transforming workspaces into havens of productivity and comfort.

AstraZeneca: Award-Winning Office Design with Acoustic Solutions

AstraZeneca’s office, which won the 2018 Office of the Year award, has expanded by an additional 450 square meters, bringing the total to 1,150 square meters. The new space includes an open-plan office, a quiet zone, four meeting rooms, cubicles for calls, and a more spacious kitchen. A special project room for large-scale paper documentation was also added.

To create optimal working conditions, the designers focused on sound-absorbing acoustic panels and a dedicated quiet zone. We are proud to have contributed to this award-winning design by providing lighting solutions, including the BuzziPleat Light Edel.

Acoustic Lighting in Oracle’s New Budapest Headquarters

Oracle Corporation has moved into a new headquarters at the BudapestOne Office Building, designed for 400 employees. The office design incorporates the building’s winding, curved architecture with raw surfaces, pastel colors, and strong graphic elements. 

The lighting, crafted by the Solinfo Group / Lighting Embassy team, features custom luminaires that enhance the office’s interior character. We contributed to the project with BuzziJet lights, known for their aerodynamic design that combines sound absorption with warm, pleasant illumination.

ING Head Office Renovation with Acoustic Lighting

The ING Head Office, a landmark in Hungarian architecture designed by Erick van Egeraat, has undergone a significant overhaul. This renovation aimed to modernize the office while respecting its original design and integrating new concepts like activity-based working and shared desking.

Key to the renovation was enhancing the office’s acoustic environment. The Solinfo Group / Lighting Embassy team, in collaboration with Demeter Design Studio, designed custom lighting to complement the new interior. The BuzziProp lights effectively absorb high-frequency sounds, such as ringtones and office chatter, while BuzziDome provides functional lighting for desks and conference rooms, creating a comfortable and creative workspace.

Ready to transform your workspace with acoustic lighting? Contact us today via this emal address to find the perfect solution for your needs.